Contact & Team

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Basic Author Introduction

If you come from a background of using apps on smartphones or tablets, you may want to have a look at the brief, basic introduction to Author.


Frode Alexander Hegland, PhD [blog] [twitter] runs the company as director and designer. He is joined by lead programmer Jacob Hazelgrove, head of community Valentina Moressa and a brilliant advisory team of Vint Cerf, co-inventor of the Internet, Bruce Horn, author of the original Mac ‘Finder’ and Ismail Serageldin, founder of the Modern Library of Alexandria.

Authoring The Future of Text

The Augmented Text Tools are all part of the Future Text Initiate, of which our annual book series The Future of Text, is also a part. The books are available to purchase and to download for free.

You are very welcome to Join our Future of Text Community.


I have written a Statement on Collaboration for other text and tech-heads. If what I am trying to do vibes with what you are trying to do, hey, let’s try to leverage each others efforts.

On a systems level, we are working hard to promote Visual-Meta as a rich and robust way to share information.


‘The Augmented Text Company LTD’, Company number 10053794, is an independent research and software development company based in London, UK.

Author User Guide | Reader User Guide | Liquid User Guide