Final/General Questions

Thank you for helping with this. Here are a few final questions about working with Visual-Meta in general:

1 I think that I would like to use this system frequently.

Strongly disagree, disagree somewhat, neutral, agree somewhat, strongly agree

2 I found the system looked unnecessarily complex.

Strongly disagree, disagree somewhat, neutral, agree somewhat, strongly agree

3 I thought the system looked easy to use.

Strongly disagree, disagree somewhat, neutral, agree somewhat, strongly agree

4 I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to use this system.

Strongly disagree, disagree somewhat, neutral, agree somewhat, strongly agree

5 I found the various functions in this system looked well integrated.

Strongly disagree, disagree somewhat, neutral, agree somewhat, strongly agree

6 I thought there was too much inconsistency in this approach.

Strongly disagree, disagree somewhat, neutral, agree somewhat, strongly agree

7 I would imagine that most people would learn to use this system very quickly.

Strongly disagree, disagree somewhat, neutral, agree somewhat, strongly agree

8 I found the system looked very cumbersome to use.

Strongly disagree, disagree somewhat, neutral, agree somewhat, strongly agree

9 I feel I would be very confident using the system.

Strongly disagree, disagree somewhat, neutral, agree somewhat, strongly agree

10 I think I would need to learn a lot of things before I could get going with this system.

Strongly disagree, disagree somewhat, neutral, agree somewhat, strongly agree

Q: Does it look like this system can be widely adopted by your community?

Strongly disagree, disagree somewhat, neutral, agree somewhat, strongly agree

What do you see as the challenges and opportunities of Visual-Meta use for your community?

Do you have any thoughts as to how you or software developers could extend the use of Visual-Meta?

Do you have any final comments on Visual-Meta?

Thank you for your participation, it is greatly appreciated!

The software is free and available on the macOS App Store. Please email should you wish to get a code to unlock the In-App Upgrade, just say you did the survey.